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Expand List item 338Collapse List item 338  Access to Portsmouth Community Based Outpatient Clinic on Pease ANGB

How do I gain access to Pease Air National Guard Base for care at the Portsmouth Community Based Outpatient Clinic?


1. The Pease Air National Guard Base complies with Air Force Directives regulating personnel access to military installations. Effective February 1, 2017, enhanced security measures will be in place and the following information is provided to ensure Veterans enrolled to the Portsmouth Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) are able to continue accessing the CBOC for their healthcare.

2. Individuals possessing an Active/Retired/Family Member Military ID Card or Federally-issued Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Card have full access to the common areas of the base, including the Portsmouth CBOC.

3. All other Veterans are now required to have a scheduled medical appointment prior to accessing the base. If you arrive at the base without an appointment the security forces will provide you instructions to park outside the base entrance and ask you to contact the CBOC at (800) 892-8384 Ext. 5501 to schedule an appointment. The VA staff at the CBOC will inform the Security Forces when an appointment has been booked. You may encounter a delay in accessing the CBOC so we highly encourage you to schedule your appointment prior to arrival at the base.

4. Veterans without a Military ID Card or PIV Card must possess the following forms of ID for access to the base and CBOC and undergo a Background Check:

a) N.H. Veteran: NH Driver’s License and a Veterans Health Identification Card (VHIC)/Veterans Identification Card (VIC). If the Veteran has been issued a N.H. REAL ID Compliant Driver’s License or has a US Passport, a VHIC/VIC is not required.
b) Maine Veteran: Maine Driver’s License and a Veterans Health Identification Card (VHIC)/Veterans Identification Card (VIC). If the Veteran has a U.S. Passport, a VHIC/VIC is not required.

5. Background Checks – All Veterans falling into Paragraph 4 above are required to undergo a Background Check in addition to providing identification at the gate. Once the Background Check is complete, it will remain in effect for one (1) year.

a) Veterans will be required to complete a Background Check Form (Attachment 1) prior to Security Forces allowing access to the base/CBOC. From February 1 through March 31, 2017, Veterans will not be required to wait for Security Forces to conduct the Background Check and will be allowed entry to the base and CBOC.
b) Effective April 1, 2017, Veterans will be required to have a completed Background Check prior to being granted access to the base and CBOC. Completion of the Background Check can be completed at the gate; however, Veterans are encouraged to complete the Background Check prior to arrival at the gate to avoid late arrival to their appointment.

6. Escorts and Guests. Veterans cleared for base access can escort one individual or Family Member, including minors, onto the base. The individual must also present an identification card (Driver’s License, Passport) and complete the Background Check requirements.

7. Veterans or escorted individuals who cannot meet the identification card or Background Check requirements will not be allowed access to the base.

Download and fill out the Authorization and Release (Vetting Form). Please print out and bring completed form with you to the main gate or mail completed copy to:

157th Security Forces Squadron Police Services Office
302 Newmarket Street, Newington, NH 03801

For more information about security and accessing Pease ANGB, please contact the Security Forces Squadron at (603) 430-2622.


Expand List item 413Collapse List item 413  Benefits for veterans and/or their dependent who are New Hampshire residents

If you are a veteran and/or their dependent who is a resident of New Hampshire, the New Hampshire State Office of Veterans Services may be able to assist you in securing benefits or preferences to which you may be entitled under state or federal law or regulations. Call them toll free at 1-800-622-9230.

Visit the NH State Office of Veterans Services website for more information.

Thank you for your service.

Expand List item 196Collapse List item 196  Air Show

When is your next airshow?

The next airshow is currently planned for Sept. 9-10, 2022. 

Expand List item 198Collapse List item 198  Directions

How do I get to Pease Air National Guard Base?

Driving Directions to Pease Air National Guard Base, Newington, New Hampshire 

Take I-95 North, keeping to the left lanes as you enter the Portsmouth area. Take Exit 4 (the left exit for Spaulding Turnpike) and go approximately 2 miles to Exit 1 at Pease International Tradeport. At the bottom of the ramp, turn left onto Pease Boulevard (passing under the Spaulding Turnpike), and go straight through the set of lights at International Drive.  At the next intersection (a stop sign at New Hampshire Avenue), continue straight to the main gate. 

Take I-95 North towards Portsmouth. Take Exit 3, turning left at the end of the ramp. Turn Right at the next traffic light (this is the back entrance to the Tradeport - Grafton Street). You'll pass the bus station on your right, and you'll see the end of the Pease airfield on your left. Stay on Grafton until the stop sign, and turn left onto New Hampshire Avenue. Travel approximately 2 miles to the intersection with Pease Boulevard. Take a left and continue straight to the main gate. 

Follow directions out of the airport marked for 293 South and 101 East. When the two roads split, follow signs marked 101 East and 93 North (This will be a lefthand exit.) You will be on 101 East and 93 North for only about 1 mile. You should work your way to the righthand lanes. 101 East will bear off to the right - watch for signs saying "Seacoast and Portsmouth".   Continue on 101 East for about 30 minutes, watching for signs for 95 North (after Exeter and North Hampton exits). Take 95 North Take Route 101 East to Route 95 North, and keep to the left lanes as you enter the Portsmouth area. Take Exit 4 (the left exit for Spaulding Turnpike) and go approximately 2 miles to Exit 1 at Pease International Tradeport. At the bottom of the ramp, turn left onto Pease Boulevard (passing under the Spaulding Turnpike), and go straight through the set of lights at International Drive.  At the next intersection (a stop sign at New Hampshire Avenue), continue straight to the main gate. 

Take route 4 East to the Spaulding Turnpike/Route 16 South. After crossing Great Bay and just past the Newington Exit, the highway splits - bear right toward Portsmouth. Take the first exit to Pease International Tradeport. Go approximately one mile to Exit 1 at Pease International Tradeport. At the bottom of the ramp, turn right onto Pease Boulevard, and go straight through the set of lights at International Drive. At the next intersection (a stop sign at New Hampshire Avenue), continue straight to the main gate. 

Take I-95 South across the Piscataqua River Bridge into New Hampshire, and approximately one mile ahead take Exit 5 onto the Spaulding Turnpike. You'll then take to Exit 1 at Pease International Tradeport. At the bottom of the ramp, turn left onto Pease Boulevard (passing under the Spaulding Turnpike), and go straight through the set of lights at International Drive.  At the next intersection (a stop sign at New Hampshire Avenue), continue straight to the main gate. 

Go to the Portsmouth Traffic Circle, and take the Spaulding Turnpike (towards Dover) from the circle. Go approximately one mile to Exit 1 at Pease International Tradeport. At the bottom of the ramp, turn left onto Pease Boulevard (passing under the Spaulding Turnpike), and go straight through the set of lights at International Drive. 
At the next intersection (a stop sign at New Hampshire Avenue), continue straight to the main gate.
Expand List item 200Collapse List item 200  How can I contact military personnel?
The Air Force World Wide Locator offered by the Air Force Personnel Center, or AFPC, handles official and unofficial requests to locate Air Force Personnel. Official requests are defined as requests received from any government agency and the Department of Defense. All other requests are considered unofficial in nature. 

The Air Force World Wide Locator only has location information on individuals who are currently receiving compensation from the U.S. Air Force. If the individual has separated from the Air Force, no information is available. To obtain or find out more information about the service, you can contact AFPC at: 

550 C Street West Suite 50 
Randolph AFB TX 78150-4752 Phone: 
Commercial (210) 565-2660 
Military to Military DSN 665-2660 Customer Service Hours: 
Monday - Friday (except Federal Holidays) 
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (Central Standard Time) e-mail: 

If you need to contact a military member for emergency purposes, contact your local Red Cross chapter. To find your local Red Cross local chapter, go to their website at

Additional resources:
Air Force Personnel Center World Wide Locator
Expand List item 437Collapse List item 437  How do I join the Air National Guard?


For further information, visit our Recruiting  page.

To learn more about the U.S. Air Force basic training, visit their web page at

Expand List item 470Collapse List item 470  How do I make a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request?  

To submit a FOIA request online CLICK HERE

If you do not know or are unsure of the location of the information you are seeking, please submit your request to:

Headquarters Air Force/AAII (FOIA)

1000 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330-1000
Phone: (703) 693-2735/692-9981

No single office handles all FOIA requests. If you prefer not to submit on line you can mail/fax your request to the FOIA Requester Service Center where the record is located or the particular base or activity that has the records you want. If you don't know which Air Force activity has the records you want, please mail your request. Ensure you describe the records you want as specifically as possible.

Refer to the FOIA handbook for more information on submitting FOIA requests.

Expand List item 199Collapse List item 199  Military Aviation Support Requests (flyover and static aircraft)

How do I request a flyover?

Flyover and Static Display Requests

The flyover and static display request and approval process is managed by accessing the Air Force Aerial Events website.

Community members may submit requests, receive notification of approvals/denials and track requests on this site. The site walks requesters through the process step by step.

Once a flyover/static request is approved, it is the requester's responsibility to find a unit to support the event. The site features a "find an aircraft" link that lists flying units in the local area and/or surrounding states.

Please note: Aerial Events approval for a flyover/static does not guarantee that it will be provided. It is up to the base's individual flying units (ultimately the respective wing commander) to determine whether they can support the flyover/static display request based on availability, training schedules, etc.
Expand List item 435Collapse List item 435  Military Non-Aviation Support Requests (airmen and/or military equipment for community based events, etc.)

Community members wishing to have uniformed military members participate in community based non-aviation events, such as parades, ceremonies, etc. will need to submit a DD 2536 to the New Hamphire National Guard Joint Operations Center for review and approval.

Current policy requires a physical signature.  Please fill out, print and sign the form. The signed form can then be scannned and email to the N.H. National Guard Joint Operations Center.

A response to your request will usually take up to 10 working days.

Expand List item 201Collapse List item 201  Photography on Base

Can I take photographs on the flight line?

Photography authorization within controlled areas of the flight line must be obtained from the Public Affairs Office and coordinated with the 157th Security Forces Squadron and Maintenance Operations Control to satisfy security requirements.


Can't I just use my cell phone or personal camera to take pictures on base?

All photography on base should be coordinated with the Public Affairs office, even if you plan to do so as self-help.  PA may be able to provide you with professional level photography support.


Where can I obtain a photography authorization letter?

From the Public Affairs office located in the wing headquarters building.


Who should I talk to if I have additional questions or a special need or requirement?

For additional questions, special needs or requirements, call the Public Affairs office at 603-430-3577.
Expand List item 202Collapse List item 202  Request a Tour
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Pease ANGB has temporarily suspended it's base tour program for the safety of the public and our Airmen.

Pease Air National Guard Base can be excellent resource and educational tool for groups interested in aviation, special operations or a career in the United States Air Force. As community partners, we welcome you to take a glimpse of life behind the gates.

Public tours of Pease ANGB are available to organized groups of 20 to 40 people.

Due to the high-demand for base tours and the real-world demands placed on members and equipment, we ask that you please read the base tour policy below before requesting a tour. This is to help accommodate as many guests as possible while having the least impact on day-to-day operations and the mission. Tour sites typically visited include (depending on mission and availability). Example: KC-46, KC-135R Static Display, Air Traffic Control Tower, ATC Simulator, Life Support, Fire Station, etc.

Base Tour Policies:
  • Tours are given on the first and third Monday of the month, with the exception of holidays
  • Tours are granted on a first come first serve basis
  • Groups must schedule tours at least 30 days in advance, but feel free to schedule as far in advance as possible; no-notice or short-notice tours will not be supported
  • If a group is more than 30 minutes late for their tour, it will be cancelled and will not be rescheduled
  • Tour groups must be at least 15 persons and no more than 40 persons
  • Tours are limited to ages 12 and over
  • Tours will not be approved/coordinated until a completed tour request form is received
  • Sending/receiving a request does not confirm your tour date
  • If you haven’t received a confirmation within a 5-working days of your submission, please follow up by phone, 603-430-2766
  • ROTC and JROTC in uniform are expected to conform to the Air Force dress and appearance standards including haircuts and hairstyles
  • Pease Air National Guard Base reserves the right to cancel confirmed tours at any time due to mission requirements
  • Visitors are responsible for their own meals. There are many restaurants in the local area

  • To schedule a tour
    Step 1: Download and fill in the Pease Air National Guard Base Tour Form (PDF)
    Step 2: Submit completed base tour form here

    Tips for visitors 
    We want you to be safe and enjoy your time with us, so please stay with your host or tour guide. We encourage you to take photographs during your visit for your long-term memories. Most areas of Pease Air National Guard Base can be photographed. However, some areas of the base have a no photo prohibition, due to security reasons. Please avoid photographing these areas. When in doubt, please ask and we will be happy to guide you.

    Group photos are encouraged and highly encouraged in front of the KC-135 static display. If posting images on your personal or organization Social Media sites, please feel free to tag us or share with us. @157ARW, #157ARW
    Expand List item 352Collapse List item 352  Retirees

    As a 157th Air Refueling Wing retiree, how do I keep informed on what's going on at Pease Air National Guard Base?

    Please visit our Airman & Family Readiness page, where you can request to be added to the Retiree mailing list.


    How do I get a new I.D. card?

    Expand List item 203Collapse List item 203  Social Media

    What's your social media site?

    Currently, the 157th Air Refueling Wing's official social media sites are:
    Expand List item 485Collapse List item 485  What happens if I fly my drone in restricted airspace?

    Unauthorized unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) may be disabled, damaged, destroyed, seized or confiscated. Unauthorized UAS operators may be subject to criminal prosecution, fines and the loss of operator privileges. 

    Expand List item 484Collapse List item 484  Why is Pease a No Drone Zone?

    Pease is inside restricted airspace where the FAA prohibits the operation of a drone or unmanned aircraft system (UAS).

    No Drone Zones:

    • Restricted Airspace: The FAA prohibits drone flight over certain areas of airspace.
    • Local Restrictions: In some locations, drone takeoffs and landings are restricted by state, local, territorial, or tribal government agencies. The FAA has provided No Drone Zone sign that can be used by these governments to identify areas where there are local flight restrictions. It is important to note, these No Drone Zones only restrict taking off or landing and do not restrict flight in the airspace above the identified area.
    • Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs) define a certain area of airspace where air travel is limited for a period and may be in place for different reasons. The FAA may use the term "No Drone Zone" to identify an area where there is a TFR. Examples include, major sporting events, presidential movements, or in security sensitive areas designated by federal agencies.

      Restriction details of the TFR include, size, altitude, date/time, and what types of operations are restricted and permitted. All pilots are required to adhere to the restrictions of the TFR.