
COVID-19 Update #5

New Hampshire National Guard logo

New Hampshire National Guard logo


To the Soldiers, Airmen, and Civilian Employees of the NHNG,

The Easter arrival of 45 tons of personal protective equipment (PPE) at Manchester-Boston Regional Airport capped off another inspiring week of support provided by the New Hampshire National Guard.

More than a month into the Granite State’s ambitious, all-hands-on-deck response to the COVID-19 pandemic, you continue to perform with a relentless focus. There has been no better illustration of that effort and sacrifice than witnessing our citizen soldiers loading and transporting thousands of cases of PPE on a day traditionally reserved for family gatherings and reflection. Many of you did not return home until well into the late evening hours.

To date, nearly 190 NH guardsmen and women are supporting eight different missions across the state. They include the NH Food Bank, the Employment Security Call Center, warehouse and distribution operations of all PPE statewide, hospital surge planning, cyber security of the state’s information systems, state emergency operation center support and other Department of Health and Human Services initiatives. Moreover, we have personnel working behind the scenes from our armories, air base, training sites and homes to ensure a constant state of readiness.

This week a contingent from our Military Police and Security Forces begin training with State Police for a potential standby mission in the event our law enforcement partners require backup support.

Our deployed guardsmen continue to do their part overseas, supporting combat operations in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere throughout the Middle East.

Imagine where our state, and nation, would be right now without you. Without your work ethic and empathy for your fellow citizens, the outcome may have been much different. As cited below, every soldier and airmen is making a difference each day to thwart this pandemic.

“I feel good helping the community, especially when it’s next to my home town,” said Sgt. Sawyer Lyman of 3rd Battalion, who is helping with the Strategic National Stockpile distribution. “It really makes me feel good having joined the Guard. I feel like I’m making a difference helping.”

A call center customer wrote last week, “The world is a dark place right now, but (Senior Airman Connor Martin) made my day so much brighter. He was attentive, supportive and so very kind.” Martin, a 23-year-old crew chief at Pease Air National Guard Base, is one of 19 airmen who have been working at the center since April 2, 2020.

“There’s people out there building hospitals and delivering supplies, but at the end of the day, we’re all contributing in some way, shape or form,” said Staff Sgt. Walter Ramos, who has leveraged his language skills to help Spanish speakers at the center.

As our missions continue, remember to safeguard against complacency and rumors. Stay informed. Maintain social distancing and hygiene protocols. If you are struggling financially or emotionally, contact the FAC’s resource and referral number at 1-877-598-0666, the Airman and Family Readiness Program Coordinator at 603-828-3892, or our Care Coordination Program at 1-888-989-9924.

Our commander-in-chief, Governor Sununu, and I could not be any prouder of your performance.



Major General David Mikolaities
Adjutant General
New Hampshire National Guard


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