News in brief

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AFRP Resource Library
The Airman and Family Readiness Program has established a resource library for Airmen and their families. Books are available for Airmen to outside of the AFRP office in Building 100 on the second floor to be signed and borrowed. AFRP officials ask that items borrowed are returned as soon as possible when finished for others.

Topics include: Resume writing, interview skills, job applications, cover letters, parenting, relationships and more.

For further information, contact Bonnie Rice at 603-430-3545.

Employment Assistance
In addition to the resource library, the Airman and Family Readiness Program has other resources that may be of assistance to those searching for a job. An email listing will provide regular job announcements in a variety of careers, in a variety of locations.

For those interested in receiving job announcements, notices, updates and other resources specific to a job search are asked to email to be included. Please include "job emails" in the subject line of the email.

For help with a resume or preparing for an interview, call Bonnie Rice to schedule an appointment at 603-430-3545.

To further aide in a job search, be sure to visit the Veterans Employment Center on the eBenefits website. This site connects veterans and their families with meaningful employment and career development opportunities. Visit that site here:

Drill Weekend Childcare
For those interested in utilizing childcare services during drill weekend, please contact for further information. Prior to participating, AIrmen will need to complete a package of information for each child.

The qualification and priority guidelines are as follows:

1.  Dual military couples that drill the same weekend.
2.  Single Airman.
3.  Other military couples that both member and spouse are working during the drill weekend. 

This program is based on need and not to be used just as a babysitting service.

For more information, contact Bonnie Rice at

Staying connected with email
A variety of announcements, events, activities, discount offers, scholarship info as well as youth events/camp opportunities have been shared recently via the Airman and Family Readiness Program email roster. To have your email address included in the Airman and Family Readiness Program email roster to receive similar regular emails which may also include local discounts and benefits updates, email, and include "email roster" in the subject line. 

Retirees, the AFRP also have a retiree e-mail listing. Updates on the annual retiree picnic will be emailed out. The retiree email listing provides information specific to our retired population to include Retiree Day; wing event/activities and status of other retirees. Contact to have your email address included in the retiree email blasts. Please include "retiree email" in your subject line. 

The AFRP has an extensive email listing which will provide regular job/career fair announcements; job announcements in a wide variety of careers, in a variety of location as well as resource materials and class announcements to assist you in your resume development and career search. If you are interested in receiving job announcements/notices, updates and resources specific to your job search, email Bonnie Rice. Please include "job emails" in the subject line of your email.

New Hampshire Global War on Terrorism Bonus
For those who have deployed overseas, may be eligible for the New Hampshire Global War on Terrorism Bonus. For details and to download the application, visit: Click veterans benefits and then bonuses to learn what Airmen may be eligible for. The application can be found here.

Volunteer Income Tax Assistance
Local tax preparation will be available through the CA$H Coalition of Southeastern NH Volunteer Income Tax Assistance, Internal Revenue Service-certified volunteer income tax assistors will be available to assist taxpayers at no charge. More information will be provided soon through email by Bonnie Rice.

Military OneSource Tax Assistance
Military OneSource tax preparation and filing software will walk taxpayers through a series of questions to help complete a tax return. To learn more, click here.

Pease ANGB Exchange reduces hours
The Pease Air National Guard Base AAFES Exchange will now be closed on Saturdays except during drill weekends. For further information, contact the Exchange at 603-436-0302.

3rd Annual South Eastern Invitational Golf Tournament 
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Tournament Dates: Monday 13 June 2016 - Friday 17 June 2016

Play Dates: 14June 2016 Tue / 15 June 2016 Wed / 16 June 2016 Thurs  HEATHLAND / MOORLAND / PARKLAND

Eligible Golfers: All current/retired Air and Army National Guard, Air Force Reserve personnel and any member of their family and DOD civilians.

Entry Fee Date: 15 May 2016 (A total of $180.00) /  THE FIRST 130 GOLFERS

Tournament Specifics: The first two days of the tournament will be qualifying rounds and golfers will be paired based on their average score (handicaps not required). The last day of the tournament will be bracketed by flights based on scores from the first two days of play. (We are going to pair ever one this year instead of letting the course do it. We will also do the pairing on the final day.) There will be an Open Tournament with a Champion and Runner-Up for each flight, based on medal play. There will be a Seniors Division with a Champion and Runner-Up for each flight. If we have the enough female golfers, we will have a Ladies Division.

Open Division 59 years and under, 55 years and older may use the senior tees. Senior Division will be 60 years and older.

Entry Fee: The entry fee is only $180.00 per golfer (based on 100-144 golfers) for the three-day tournament play. This will include buffet breakfast, lunch, and two drinks for each round.

C/O Stuart Amos
6001 Indian Mound Road
Columbia, SC 29209

3rd Annual South Eastern Invitational Golf Tournament

Lodging: ON Site

2BR - $119 + tax per night (you may try to call early and negotiate rate)